Is your health suffering because of being overwhelmed. Lack of sleep, facial ticks, hair loss, ulcers, skin conditions, panic attacks, high cholesterol, all or any of the above or ones not mentioned.

Play can be as simple as reading something you enjoy, Calvin and Hobbs for 15 min, letting the warm sun melt your stress, playing a musical instrument. To busy to have pets, visit a local pet shelter and volunteer.

Each of us are programmed at a early age that for women we need to be available to everyone and we work on our selfs if there is time. For men we need to provide for our family, so being available to our boss or clients.

Who do you know in your life that is happy? What are they doing differently then you? Are they taking time for themselves, are they running, or some other outdoor activity or does there family know that at this time of the week it is Mommy’s or Daddy’s time.

Why aren’t you doing this? Do you feel guilty taking time for yourself? Why? Don’t you feel better when you have a chance to rejuvenate and those around your are more relaxed when you get the chance to recharge.

Surprise someone special