It is a feeling or an action, or maybe both. Does this action relate to being ethical to others or to yourself, or both. Would you do something different in public then private?

Does it really matter?

What kind of world do we want to live in? Do we want something to matter some of the time or do we want things to matter all of the time. Just like a “white lie” things can start small, taking something from someone, doing something you know “feels bad”, witnessing something and not saying anything. Then before you know it you are waking up one day with this emotional weight, and in some cases it is manifesting into something physical.

What kind of people are we in each and every relationship?

Home, sports, work, friends, volunteer, do we only think ethics relate to dilemmas or when it is convenient.

Each encounter with another person leaves a lasting impression, therefore Ethics is not just about the big picture but about each moment and each conversation.