Here is a story of a prime example that if left alone could have gone bad.

Friends of mine where going away for 3 weeks, and had asked us to check on there place. So off we go the next day after they leave to check, and sure enough the stove starts making a funny sound and we go check it out and turn a nob and “poof” sparks and things start breaking. First thing first was to unplug it, then let them know what happened. This was a major fire hazard.

It was decided that a new stove and dishwasher was needed (the dishwasher was an add on), after some choices were made and a budget was set, a week later new appliances were installed. During that time the kitchen was cleaned up, fresh groceries was purchased and general tidiness happened, it is so refreshing to come home to a clean house and stocked fridge.

If you don’t have friends or neighbours that can help you out think about hiring a company to check on your place.

Your Neighbour,
