Follow your bliss. Just do it. Do what you love, and the money will follow. Lean in. Is this your motto.

Have we forgotten one – Play!

There’s evidence that this activity that many of us associate with childhood can energize lives that are overwhelmed in  the demands of everyday.

According to a meticulously researched new book by Washington Post columnist Brigid Schulte, Overwhelmed: Work, Love and Play When No One Has the Time.

It’s a paradox that even in the busiest of lives adding an activity can ease one’s load by generating emotional satisfaction. Taking time to play is a leap of faith when we compete over who’s busiest as a sign of status. Do you brag on how little vacation time you take?

Playing might seem an odd idea for an adult. But this isn’t pulling out the Monopoly board for a family game. It’s about creating a quality of life that many of us thought was long gone because of work and family commitments. Instead, it’s doing a little more of what makes your “heart sing,” to borrow a phrase from Schulte.

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