What to do …..what to do?

Here are some idea’s that can help you with creating a special evening anytime during the year, don’t feel any pressure to put a years worth of romance together all in one day. Spreading it out during the year can be more powerful and lasting then trying to do it all in one night.

You can do a lot at home – if you have kids ask if they can have a sleep over at a Grandparents house. If you love to cook plan a meal that can be prepared and sampled throughout the evening, have some wine and put on a movie.

If you have kids and they can not go anywhere, ask the Grandparents to come and stay over while you guys go to a Hotel for a night (or two). Find one with a spa if you both like that sort of thing, either a great restaurant or lounge on premises so you can get dressed up and “flirt” through out the evening.

If you only have a few hours check out doing either a day spa such as TEN Spa or Thermea https://www.thermea.ca/en/valentines-day/ some people can not get comfortable with massages or manicure or pedicure all the time, and Thermea gives you the ability to go at  you own pace between sauna’s and hot tubs while enjoying being out side.

If you both enjoy being outside, rent some skates at the forks or walk along the river and check out the warming huts.

If you enjoy “wine” or “beer” tasting Winnipeg has seen an increase in craft brewing and some of  them have tasting rooms check out http://barnhammerbrewing.ca or for wine check out http://www.piazzadenardi.com/chefs-dinner-wine-tasting-events-calendar/.


If you need any help with bookings or more ideas My Little Secret is always ready to assist in any way we can.